Wednesday 28 September 2011

Interesting observations.....

So today Watson had an official A lady down the road keeps and breeds Spanish horses and had a couple of saddles for sale, so she popped in with a dressage saddle, she had paid a fortune for it, used it for 6mnths then her horse changed size

So rather than confronting Watson with a stranger throwing a saddle on his back, we went off for a lovely stroll in the forest... I let him off his lead rope, and to her surprise he did his usual trick.. following me everywhere..etc.. had a little show off with his tricks and then just took her o see our breath taking views.. was very enjoyable, she quite liked Watson, thinking him to be quite a character, and definitely besotted with me... We chatted and strolled and eventually ended up home again...

She went to her car to get the saddle, firstly when I went to take a look at it and handed her the rope, he really didn't like the idea, he didn't stand as still and def lost the chill out zone..

As soon as she pu the saddle on him he threw his head up slashed his tail and pinned his ears back a little, all of which were quite subtle changes but quite detectable.. she slowly tightened the girth and I took his mind off it with some sweets... It made me think theres still a lot of work there.. I wont be getting a saddle and jumping on and off for a hack, I worked out a plan in my head...

The plan was to just get him used to having the saddle on and doing nothing, maybe having a saddle on for his meal, then off again, then on for a walk and then take it off, maybe doing this for a further week, till he returns to chill zone, as he got quite worked up and ready, go, go go... type thing and I really don't want that until I ask that of him, I'm quite a fuss for discipline and dont like a horse preempting my ideas..

So then I thought after he then returns to chill zone then maybe on the walk somewhere I will just pop on and then get off again, all being repeated until he remains calm and not asking to go go go..

Then the other work will start with discipline, stop go, sensitivity, total control... bomb proofing my way....  Walking over sheets of plastic, rolling barrels with noses, loud bangs, guns going off all sorts, just like police horse training, all my horses go through this with me.. I find it fun and ts character building and confidence giving for them... A horse should be able to go every where and anywhere over any terrane and at what ever speed you ask.. So there yo are thats the plan lecture over... lets see how it all goes..

So I realized from today that hes really quite a sensitive lad, not really enjoying change and even experiencing quite a bit of stress, which comes over as impatience .. thats it now I know that I need to work with it all... night ..

Friday 23 September 2011

Magical moments....

Today I started off by going over the last lesson, but with my old horses be nice headcollar, it has pressure points and knots, its made out of rope and it basically rewards gentleness by instantly releasing pressure, I found it to be a very good tool in the past..

So after dusting it off and cleaning it up I carefully fitted it to the giant... He was not very happy about his new tool, he seems to be a very typical male and get stuck in his ways.... He quickly accepted it though and we gently went over the last lesson..... he remebered well, look at his quarters means move them away from my space, a gentle wobl of the rope means back off, pressure down on the rope means, bring your head down and leave it down, pul to the left and right all nice and supple and happy to oblige..then I gave him a supposed slow lunge, he suddenly felt very happy and chucked his head up and shot forwards with his tail in the air... prancing round like an idiot.... he flew round at almost a gallop..... mmm thought I this was the day I was going to attemp to ride bare back... maybe slowed him down with my voice, so after a couple of slow cirlcles listening to me, I decided to leave it there.... and go for a stolle....

So with the thoughts of a possibly ride I brought my riding hat with me...

Off we tootled and by now his walking pace is great he's no longer a barger, if I stand still he stops, I played with him for a while, running, so he trotted fast by me then I stop dead, so does he... success, i like a polite horse.... we ambled along picking blackberries and enjoying the views, he really seemed to enjoy today, as he was so chilled I decided to jump on and ride..... Well Could I ?? he too high for poor ld me to jump on... so I found a very high bank and kept trying to tell my self to jump on, ten mins later I decided to go for it, when he thought Oh.... she wants me up there does she and climber up with me.... mmmm try again... well I couldnt I wasbit scared, and he just didnt get close enough to the area I chose... give up... we just went on the hugest of walks instead.....

Then for the magic... I had tied up the lunge rope to make a pair of reins and looped the rest around his neck for a safety strap... we were down a lovely track with high sides and covered with trees, he looked s chiled I decided to let him free, he just plodded on by my side.....

So I ran off ...... he followed me and trotted after me, I doubled back and ran up hill, he turned and trotted after me... I juumped to a standstill, he stopped dead, too... So I started picking him blackberries as treat he thought this was a perfect idea....

Everytime I ran in other directions he followed me, this went on for about 2 miles till we got onto the yard, where I showed joe what he could do... Standing under the new barn, with the platform machine goin and the digger running too... nothing phases him....

So I lead him back to his field... took his headcollar off and decided to try on his freshly cleaned new bridle, I bought it from Kiah for £20... and borrowed a bit off her dad.... Its costing so much to get everything, I have o do little by little everyweek... any how played a little with the bridle and bit then we had loads of cuddles and soft nuzzles, fuss and love, hes such a gentle and loving lad, really appreciating time with me, its developing into a great relationship, so what if I didnt ride him, I found fun and deepened our relationship... we shall ride another day!!!!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Nothing much to share

Not much to post really, fed him loved him, had a chat with him and left him ne in his been very busy and also to rainy to do much...not a nice day really

Another one of my horsey ebay items arrived, easy boot for him, £26 they are a pair of boots to replace shoeing him... they i think would cost about £100 so not a bad buy.... just need to sort out the saddle and go for a nice ride.... desperate to ride again... so much to learn and refresh....

Tuesday 20 September 2011

I own a jealous horse!!

Just got back from taking him his walk, he was so chilled and happy to be eating grass on our walk so I thought to my self.... I'll ring a friend...mmm bad plan, he actually got jealous!

The whole time I was on the phone he attention seaked,, was stroppy, and awkward, then as soon as I put it down.. back t normality...

So we had a chat and he was very affectionate again, touching me with his nose for reassurance.. snuggling up to me, then as I rested on the farmers gate, looking at the view he peacefully rested by me...

Loads of cars went past and he was a perfect gent....We went down the hill to the village, then on our assent I was so tempted to jump on him to get back home up that very steep hill, but decided that I would  wait till I get my saddle...

We ambled home up the hill and trotted together on the flat, hes very responsive now to voice commands..slowing to a gentle Woah.. and stands when asked... We opened the gate to the farm and he waited respectfully whilst I padlocked it up again, passing the pigs and tootled into the field full of lush grass...

He checked out is haylege and then his hard feed, deciding to stuff the later first... and thats it, both exercised gently, I tucked him up in his field and said my goodnights... Sheba our German shepherd guarding him over night running free with him, his new friend and night time companion... Am now  looking forwards to what tales tomorrow brings....
Of late we have worked on flexiblility, and sensitivty to comands (Aids) all in hand 

work and some lunging... doing well,

 I now have a very chilled horse.. Accpeting to work mentally better now, instead 

of looking at me with evil eyes saying "you cow!!! Why do you want me to do 

that!?" lol... 

We are working on flexing his neck to the right and left from the lightest of pulls on 

the rope... he should react to the lightest breath of a pull.... and also worked on 

him flexing and bending his neck down.... 

Also moving over front end to the side and back end over to the side when 

pressure applied in front of and behind the girth area... and finally teacing repect 

for my zone and moving his quarters away if I look at them away and over and to 

learn to always present his head for me squarely not just standing in any old 

way... Not  bed sessions..

Always finishing off ith a slow relaxing stroll down the lanes and later will do his 

harder exercise walk... 

hey I almost sound as if I know what i'm doing??!!! lol

Have weighed him and wormed him 1 full wormer.. he weighed 570 kilos... and also 

started feeding him hardfood and haylege... the wormer was £17.00 equest it will 

need repeating 4 x per year an altinating with it's sister product to keep him worm


Hes having a good scoop of non heating pony mix and also the same of sugar beet 

with 2 eggs mixed in to make him shine, next week I will add a good chaff to it, to 

help him chew many more times , as that is always the aim with a horse,  addjng in 

some biotin and multi vit, as he has 2 huge cracks in his front feet which are 

worrying my, one is a hair crack up to the whole height of his foot the other is a 

very old deep crack all the height again... but nobody is perfect.... 

Better go feed him...

Thursday 15 September 2011

Calming down..

Well yesterday I went off to Wynstay farmers Equine department and spent £70 on a be nice head collar, a lead rope, a nice lick, and yes that was it another £70 gone.....

On getting it home, it didn't fit.. great... So that was a waste time.. anyhow, we went off on a nice walk today... what a changed by, he was sooooo relaxed, chilled, he came out on his lead and settled to graze in hand, and plod around the lanes, We took loads of pictures of him and even Andre my son held him for a photo with our GSD by him, we walked around the forest lane for a good 2 hours, pausing looking at the views, grazing gently and I started gentle schooling... getting him to move away form me and back on command, first he put his ears back and couldn't see the point, he also refused, I pushed him and made him, gently reassuring him and soothing him rewardinly, he liked that, and each time got better, and complied.. he liked being spoken to and rewarded with soothing sounds, he also started to listen to voice commands, steady and whoa... by the end of the walk he was chilled out and gently walking by me, I still didn't like him coming into my space, so started working on a respectful boundary and asking him to move back or away from me.. I had a horse Whisper help me train my last horse and learnt a lot about the importance of respectful boundaries, and making space around you that is yours not the horses...

He was so gentle I so nearly jumped on his back for a lift up the hill. but I hadn't got a hat with me.. so I didn't... but there's always tomorrow...

On getting home I put him in his grass paddock and went out to get him some more goodies.... another £40 on a new headcollar, and lunge rope and a gadget to help lead, which was rubbish and will be getting my money back, I also got the money back for yesterdays head collar...

All day long I have been looking through the net, for all his horsey needs, saddle, bridle, rugs everything as I have nothing.. but to no avail... Yesterday I managed to get some Mark Todd Stirrups and Some Mark Todd Boots for me total of £30 worth, maybe getting on for £200 quite happy with that..
So that's it I await morning when I shall go out again with him, equipped with my camera, hard hat and a cheerful heart.

First proper walk..

I gingerly put his head collar on and passed all the heap of junk in the yard... carefully passed the goats and took him to meet the dog and the pigs... no stress... then I tried to take him on a slow relaxing walk... he wasn't up for that.. Go Go GO!! He didn't want to chill couldn't stand still just wouldn't switch off and relax. I struggled to walk at his pace as he wouldn't slow down, busy thinking to my self you wait till I get my be nice head collar mate...But eventually he started to try and slow down and try to relax, getting there... eating snatches of grass, that was it  I put him away thinking end  on a positive...